Poems (& Prose Works)
Please single-click the button, Collected Poems, below, to view the latest edition of the 496-page book (including 130 sonnets as well as longer poems, but excluding prose works; see Table of Contents on pp. 3-9 for poem titles and page nos.)
Please single-click the button, Love & Marriage Poems, below to view the 88-page book comprising only poems specifically on love and marriage, all collected from Collected Poems and Recent* Poems (*since Ed. 9.1.22 of Collected Poems).
Please single-click the button, Chasing George, below, to view the entire 200-page book comprising only my epic poem. (See Table of Contents on p. 2 for book/page numbers.)
Please single-click the button, The Parliament of Foul Ideas, below, to view the 37-page book containing only my long poem representing my most recent critique on religion.
Please single-click on Essays for Allan Hobson, below, to view the 29-p. booklet of essays for the late J. Allan Hobson, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Medical School, Division of Sleep Medicine.
Please single-click the button, Essay: The Dangers of Sentimentality, below, to view the 179-page book comprising only this essay.
Please single-click the button: Novella: Creation Lost, below, for the 105-page book.
Please single-click the button, Collected Prose, below, to view the 496-p. book containing all the essays, lectures, and fiction.
Please single-click the button, Recent* Poems (*since Ed. 10.24.24) of Collected Poems, below, to view the 7-page book comprising only Recent* Poems (*since Ed. 10.24.24).
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